Scala Entrepreneur: Unstuck

Team-solving at its best!

Are you struggling to solve a problem? Do you need help coming up with a new idea or approach? Do you need advice or a sounding board?

Scala Unstuck is here to help you.

Bring a problem you’re having to this session.  We’ll break out into small groups and you’ll have time to share your problem/challenge and the rest of the group will help.  Then, the next person takes their turn.  You’ll benefit from the input from other entrepreneurs and business owners and they’ll benefit from yours.

It’s a win-win situation.

Don’t have an issue to bring forward?  (We want to be you…..#goals.)  OK, then bring the latest amazing thing you discovered that you think could help; a podcast, an app, or a website.

Join us on May 10 and get “Unstuck”!


May 10 2022


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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